Half a year has already flown by -- a collaboration of long days and short months that if I blink are gone. I'm trying to savor every moment & drink in every bit of you, your smell, your littleness, your curiosity, it is all so unbelievable. I kiss your cheeks at least a hundred times a day and I'm reminded that its going so fast. I still can remember the newborn days and yet I can't all at the same time. You are six months old and these are the days that are filled with your sweet baby babble of dadadada, watching you reach for things that interest you, sitting up by yourself, trying solid foods, and letting out giggles of infectious laughter that fill my soul to the very top. You have brought us such incredible joy (fitting that its your middle name) and when strangers used to pass by that was all they did until we had you, now they stop and also get a bit of that joy. I hope you know how loved you are and I hope you always have that smile to share.
Love you so much baby girl and have such immense gratitude that you are ours.
xo Mommy