
Baker Beach Soderman Family Session - {San Francisco Family Photograher}

What looked like a typical cloudy SF summer day turned into a perfect beach photoshoot day! I first met Tania (mom) and Allegra (adorable 17 month old) a few months ago at Janie and Jack when I was doing a shoot in the store and since they had so much fun the first time around she decided to bring out the whole gang for another session! And even more of an honor then be asked to photograph a family twice is when another photographer asks you to do this. Tania herself is an amazing photographer - check out some of her beautiful work HERE! We debated on doing an indoor studio shoot, since she liked the white paper look vs. the outdoors. We decided to go with the outdoors, and the clouds created that perfect studio look outdoors - so it was the best of both worlds! What a wonderful, adorable and loving family, thank you so much Soderman's for such a fun shoot at Baker Beach and loved that we ended the day playing leap frog with everyone! AND Julian keep dancing! AND thank you for not caring if the Golden Gate was part of the shoot. Here's some of the highlights: undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined


Engelman Family Session - Crissy Field {San Francisco Family Photographer}

I can't believe we had such a warm spell last week, it was a nice reminder that Spring does exist in San Francisco. I met the Engelman family at Crissy Field, a SF favorite spot, and we had a lot of fun together. Ella was just the most adorable thing in her pretty blue flower dress and all those smiles! Grandma joined us for the shoot as well but was mostly playing the role of monkey behind my back and an excellent coat rack, thanks Grandma for coming along! Looking forward to capturing more photos as Ella grows. Heres some of the highlights: undefined
